Friday, May 29, 2009

Copying schema to a new, non-test database

As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to copy the schema for one of our databases to a new database config entry. So, here's a quickie script that schleps schemata for you. (I would love someone to tell me "Oh, to do that, you just do X" and then demonstrate it: this is kind of ugly, though it's based on how the railties Rakefile does it...)

require 'stringio'

# We want to copy the schema from class h[:db] to the database entry
# named "#{h[:prefix]}#{RAILS_ENV}"
to_copy = [
{ :db => SomeUseDbAbstractClass,
:prefix => "evaldb_",

to_copy.each { |h|
db = h[:db]
prefix = h[:prefix]

# Place to stick the schema
s =

# Dump the schema
ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(db.connection, s)

# Extract the schema
schema = s.string

# Grab the original connection... we'll need this in a bit.
conn_spec_original = UseDbPluginClass.get_use_db_conn_spec({})

# Grab the destination connection information
conn_spec = UseDbPluginClass.get_use_db_conn_spec(:prefix => prefix)

# SQLite3 doesn't like the ENGINEs we emit... scrubadub.
if conn_spec["adapter"] == "sqlite3"
schema.gsub!(/ENGINE=(MyISAM|InnoDB)/, '')

# Move the default AR connection over to our destination database

# Play back the "migration" schema dump
eval schema

# Restore connection to its proper home

Thursday, May 28, 2009

edge rails non-migration support for populating new tables

We could use to (re)populate our indexes (QuestionIndex, etc.).

an network aggregation utility/

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

S3 and retries

As an FYI, reading from S3 isn't necessarily reliable. In the past couple of days, I've seen a lot of ETIMEDOUT errors coming back from the connection. The first step was to add 10x retry, which took a while, but failed again. Then, I added 10x retry with 1 second sleeps between retries, which, again, worked for a while, then failed. Finally, I wound up at 25x retries with 1s sleeps; this seems to work. (Silly me, I thought s3sync's 100x retry policy was just paranoia or overly cautious...)

Except that now I'm getting occasional 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError)'.

So, if you're reading in data stored in S3 and want it to be reliable, you should wrap it with a generic exception handler and a lot of backing-off retries. With luck, it'll work out for you. Without luck, well, what sort of reliability do you expect from a "cloud"?

max_attempts = 25
attempts = 0

my_stuff = s3object.load
rescue Exception => e
attempts += 1
sleep 1
retry if attempts < max_attempts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

redis twitter-clone example

hmm...this looks to be a useful technology bridge between memcached and there are ruby bindings.

i'll spend some time playing with it and report back to the team.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

ruby proxies for testing staging clusters and much more

Intriguing use of proxies for testing a staging cluster: