Friday, October 30, 2009

URLs and domain names in international characters

Looks like ICANN has finally approved domain names with international characters. I'm a huge fan of this change away from the english centered web. Regexes that validate domain names aren't going to cut it much longer.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

improving mysql performance: some notes and links

  • NDB mysql clusters. Handles transactions, is about as fast as memory tables, can do replica / master-master clusters, but because it's multi-server it's fundamentally more scalable as a transaction engine.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ec2 security groups restrictions within the cluster

According to the Ec2 security groups documentation, within your ec2 cluster of servers, it is not possible to setup access rules within the cluster that reference both multiple groups of servers (by aws account or security groups) and ports/protocols. You authorize between multiple groups of servers, but it must be for all ports and protocols. If you are restricting by CIDR (ip addres) you can restrict by port and protocol, but not within your own cluster.
When authorizing a user/group pair permission, GroupName, SourceSecurityGroupName and SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId must be specified. When authorizing a CIDR IP permission, GroupName, IpProtocol, FromPort, ToPort and CidrIp must be specified. Mixing these two types of parameters is not allowed.

However, this documentation is straight up WRONG. It is indeed possible, although completely undocumented, to add access restrictions that reference amazon accounts, security groups, protocols, and ports all together. You can only use the SOAP API (as well as the command line tool ec2-authorize, which uses the SOAP api) to do this, not the Query API (what the amazon-ec2 and right-aws gems both use):

~> ec2-authorize backendservers -P tcp -p 8080 -u $AWS_USER_ID -o frontendservers
GROUP backendservers PERMISSION frontendservers ALLOWS tcp 8080 8080 FROM USER (redacted) GRPNAME frontendservers

Someday this will likely showup in the Query API, but until then, we're stuck coding for SOAP or referencing the command line tools to make use of this lovely feature that you'd expect would be standard. This feature has been live for well over a year (I started using it in spring of 2008), so it's really surprising that it's not available in all of the apis.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

collectd versus munin

* more efficient C interface than munin's cron/perl-based polling mechanism
* cleaner C interface versus munin's perl
* nice interfaces for ruby, java, C, erlang
* lots of options for graphing, data manipulation/utilization
* similar default out-of-the-box plugins for all the major stuff; all the other ones had to be customized for munin anyhow.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Vidar tweeted this a little bit ago:

Hijack: Provides an irb session to an existing ruby process.


Hijack allows you to connect to any ruby process and execute code as if it were a normal Irb session. Hijack does not require your target process to require any hijack code, Hijack is able to connect to any ruby process. It achieves this by using gdb to inject a payload into the process which starts up a DRb server, Hijack then detaches gdb and reconnects via DRb. Please note that gdb will halt your target process while it is attached, though the injection process is very quick and your process should only be halted for a few milliseconds.

Hijack uses DRb over a unix socket file, so you need to be on the same machine as the process you want to hijack. This is by design for security reasons. You also need to run the hijack client as the same user as the remote process.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Design Patterns for Social Experiences

A good article in ASIS&T's Bulletin about the information architecture of social experiences/interfaces.

The associated wiki seems pretty good, too. It's a set of design patterns for these things:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"The Flawed Theory Behind Unit Testing"

A nice, quick piece pointing out the real value in testing: they make you think harder about what you're doing. He omits it, but it seems like refactoring gets its benefits from much the same reasons.

My point is that we can't look at testing mechanistically. Unit testing does not improve quality just by catching errors at the unit level. And, integration testing does not improve quality just by catching errors at the integration level. The truth is more subtle than that. Quality is a function of thought and reflection - precise thought and reflection. That’s the magic. Techniques which reinforce that discipline invariably increase quality.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

zero-downtime rolling restarts behind a proxy balancer

This very good example configuration is with HAProxy, but it will work with any proxy service that has health checking.

website speed and effects on users

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Enterprise Ruby

(Another) Enterprise Ruby


Wish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise" got you down? Do you feel like your Ruby code could be made to be more "scalable"? Well look no further my friend. You’ve found the enterprise gem. Once you install this gem, you too can make Rails scale, Ruby faster, your code more attractive, and have more XML in your life.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself, "how can the enterprise gem promise so much?". Well the answer is easy, through the magic of XML! The enterprise gem allows you to write your Ruby code in XML, therefore making your Ruby and Rails code scale. Benefits of writing your code in XML include:

* It’s easy to read!
* It scales!
* Cross platform
* TRANSFORM! your code using XSLT!
* Search your AST with XPath or CSS!

The enterprise gem even comes with a handy "enterprise" binary to help you start converting your existing legacy Ruby code in to scaleable, easy to read XML files. Let’s start getting rid of that nasty Ruby code and replacing it with XML today!

Friday, June 5, 2009

filed a Rails Enhancement

This is the patch and test case already applied to our local Rails 2.3.2 tree. It ensures we can catch an exception and reload the object when we access attributes that aren't in the cached data.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

developer build of OS X chrome available

If you're as sick of FFox & Safari as I am, this is good news!

mysql throws "Server shutdown in progress" error when a thread is killed

This rather serious sounding error will probably be revised, but if
you ever see it, know that it might not be the actual server shutting
down, but rather just the local client thread to the database being
terminated, possibly by a maintenance operation of some sort.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Copying schema to a new, non-test database

As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to copy the schema for one of our databases to a new database config entry. So, here's a quickie script that schleps schemata for you. (I would love someone to tell me "Oh, to do that, you just do X" and then demonstrate it: this is kind of ugly, though it's based on how the railties Rakefile does it...)

require 'stringio'

# We want to copy the schema from class h[:db] to the database entry
# named "#{h[:prefix]}#{RAILS_ENV}"
to_copy = [
{ :db => SomeUseDbAbstractClass,
:prefix => "evaldb_",

to_copy.each { |h|
db = h[:db]
prefix = h[:prefix]

# Place to stick the schema
s =

# Dump the schema
ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(db.connection, s)

# Extract the schema
schema = s.string

# Grab the original connection... we'll need this in a bit.
conn_spec_original = UseDbPluginClass.get_use_db_conn_spec({})

# Grab the destination connection information
conn_spec = UseDbPluginClass.get_use_db_conn_spec(:prefix => prefix)

# SQLite3 doesn't like the ENGINEs we emit... scrubadub.
if conn_spec["adapter"] == "sqlite3"
schema.gsub!(/ENGINE=(MyISAM|InnoDB)/, '')

# Move the default AR connection over to our destination database

# Play back the "migration" schema dump
eval schema

# Restore connection to its proper home

Thursday, May 28, 2009

edge rails non-migration support for populating new tables

We could use to (re)populate our indexes (QuestionIndex, etc.).

an network aggregation utility/

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

S3 and retries

As an FYI, reading from S3 isn't necessarily reliable. In the past couple of days, I've seen a lot of ETIMEDOUT errors coming back from the connection. The first step was to add 10x retry, which took a while, but failed again. Then, I added 10x retry with 1 second sleeps between retries, which, again, worked for a while, then failed. Finally, I wound up at 25x retries with 1s sleeps; this seems to work. (Silly me, I thought s3sync's 100x retry policy was just paranoia or overly cautious...)

Except that now I'm getting occasional 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError)'.

So, if you're reading in data stored in S3 and want it to be reliable, you should wrap it with a generic exception handler and a lot of backing-off retries. With luck, it'll work out for you. Without luck, well, what sort of reliability do you expect from a "cloud"?

max_attempts = 25
attempts = 0

my_stuff = s3object.load
rescue Exception => e
attempts += 1
sleep 1
retry if attempts < max_attempts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

redis twitter-clone example

hmm...this looks to be a useful technology bridge between memcached and there are ruby bindings.

i'll spend some time playing with it and report back to the team.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

ruby proxies for testing staging clusters and much more

Intriguing use of proxies for testing a staging cluster:

Friday, April 10, 2009

interesting & useful: launchd on os x


Using ActiveRecord :include to perform join filtering is expensive

For the User#first_degree_friend_ids lookup, the AR version looks like this:

self.connections.find(:all, :conditions => ["connections.type IN (?) AND", Connection::FRIEND_CONNECTION_TYPES], :order => " ASC", :include => :to).collect(&:to_id).uniq
( a work of art in a single line of Ruby code ;-))

My refactored version using raw SQL looks like this:
quoted_types ={|type| "'#{type}'"}
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(c.to_id) " +
"FROM connections c LEFT JOIN users u ON ( " +
"WHERE c.from_id=#{} AND c.type IN (#{quoted_types.join(',')}) AND " +
"AND c.to_id NOT IN (SELECT blockee_id FROM blockings WHERE blocker_id=#{}) AND c.to_id!=#{}"

You'll notice that the SQL version also handled blockings natively now.

Now for the benchmarking using Max's user account with 406 friends:

For the ActiveRecord version:
>> { |x|{u.ar_first_degree_friend_ids} }
user system total real
0.400000 0.120000 0.520000 ( 0.615262)

For the SQL version:
>> { |x|{max.first_degree_friend_ids} }
user system total real
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.019606)

The performance difference is pretty obvious. This change is not only more correct, but will be 30x faster. We should see a significant performance improvement in cache priming and lazy cache loading as a result.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Log rotation best practices

This is definitely the best writeup about the problems that exist with the conveyor-belt-style log rotation driven by logrotate and most default log rotation schemes, and explains a lot of the frustrations with how our logging currently works:

Their solution suggestion is pretty clear; just switch to logging based on time-based buckets in the first place, so you don't need to do conveyor belt rotation and can always find where the right logs are.

"given the choice of a logrotate scheme, I would first recommend time based buckets, second a startup time scheme, and never hindsight conveyer belt rotation."

Rackspace's approach to logs and analysis over them

Rackspace gradually improve their inhouse logging through a few phases, eventually ended up forwarding logs to a distributed filesystem that ran hadoop on top of it, and could distribute an analysis mapreduce task against the logs to answer pretty much anything in a deterministic runtime.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

wrt magic labels in fixtures

IF you specify an id for a fixture THEN the magical labeling doesn't work:

# conversations.yml
  id: 1

# channels.yml
  conversation: :woodchuck_capabilities   # <---- NOPE
  conversation_id: 1                      # <---- YEP

I knew that the magic couldn't span databases, but didn't know
that specifying an id disabled that behavior...


Friday, April 3, 2009

useful: schema dump in code

For example:



Re: FYI: poor mysql query planning when ordering by id

I think these order by id clauses everywhere were frequently put in place to get consistent time based ordering of entries in the test suite when several things may be created at nearly the same time. Sucks that mysql isn't optimizing them very well. Regardless, it probably wasn't a very 'correct' choice (eg. if we every move to a sharded data storage scheme). We should probably move towards a more 'correct' clause: "order by created_at, id". Since it indicates what we want (created_at order) but provides a fallback for consistent results in the test suite (falling back to id).


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Nathan Stoll <> wrote:
Geesh.  That's nice work mysql optimizer!

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Fritz Schneider
<> wrote:
> Paying attention to slow queries today Bob, Nick, and I saw a number of
> seemingly innocuous-looking sql statements that were taking a ridiculously
> long time to execute. For example:
> SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
> There's an index on address_id so there's no reason this should take up to 8
> seconds! Explaining itl:
> mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> | id | select_type | table | type  |
> possible_keys
> | key     | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> |  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | index |
> index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at
> | PRIMARY | 4       | NULL | 75525 | Using where |
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> It's using the id as the key for this query because of the order by,
> resulting in a 75k row scan. Adding an additional order by (should be
> equivalent) solves the problem:
> mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE (`msgs`.address_id = 11295) ORDER
> BY id DESC, created_at DESC LIMIT 1;
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> | id | select_type | table | type |
> possible_keys
> | key                                   | key_len | ref   | rows |
> Extra                       |
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> |  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | ref  |
> index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at
> | index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming | 5       | const |    9 | Using
> where; Using filesort |
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> I'm fixing up the two specific places I noticed this (msgs,
> routing_suggestion_requests), but it's something to be on the lookout for
> because we order by id all over the place.
> I'll be paying much more attention to slow queries now that we have splunk
> in place.
> --
> Love,
> Fritz

Re: FYI: poor mysql query planning when ordering by id

Geesh. That's nice work mysql optimizer!

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Fritz Schneider
<> wrote:
> Paying attention to slow queries today Bob, Nick, and I saw a number of
> seemingly innocuous-looking sql statements that were taking a ridiculously
> long time to execute. For example:
> SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
> There's an index on address_id so there's no reason this should take up to 8
> seconds! Explaining itl:
> mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> | id | select_type | table | type  |
> possible_keys
> | key     | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> |  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | index |
> index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at
> | PRIMARY | 4       | NULL | 75525 | Using where |
> +----+-------------+-------+-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+------+-------+-------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> It's using the id as the key for this query because of the order by,
> resulting in a 75k row scan. Adding an additional order by (should be
> equivalent) solves the problem:
> mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE (`msgs`.address_id = 11295) ORDER
> BY id DESC, created_at DESC LIMIT 1;
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> | id | select_type | table | type |
> possible_keys
> | key                                   | key_len | ref   | rows |
> Extra                       |
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> |  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | ref  |
> index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at
> | index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming | 5       | const |    9 | Using
> where; Using filesort |
> +----+-------------+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------+-------+------+-----------------------------+
> I'm fixing up the two specific places I noticed this (msgs,
> routing_suggestion_requests), but it's something to be on the lookout for
> because we order by id all over the place.
> I'll be paying much more attention to slow queries now that we have splunk
> in place.
> --
> Love,
> Fritz

Thursday, April 2, 2009

FYI: poor mysql query planning when ordering by id

Paying attention to slow queries today Bob, Nick, and I saw a number of seemingly innocuous-looking sql statements that were taking a ridiculously long time to execute. For example:

SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;

There's an index on address_id so there's no reason this should take up to 8 seconds! Explaining itl:

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE address_id = 11295 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                                                                                    | key     | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | index | index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at | PRIMARY | 4       | NULL | 75525 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

It's using the id as the key for this query because of the order by, resulting in a 75k row scan. Adding an additional order by (should be equivalent) solves the problem:

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM `msgs` WHERE (`msgs`.address_id = 11295) ORDER BY id DESC,
created_at DESC LIMIT 1;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys                                                                                    | key                                   | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | msgs  | ref  | index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming,index_msgs_on_address_id_and_recognized_cmd_and_created_at | index_msgs_on_address_id_and_incoming | 5       | const |    9 | Using where; Using filesort |

I'm fixing up the two specific places I noticed this (msgs, routing_suggestion_requests), but it's something to be on the lookout for because we order by id all over the place.

I'll be paying much more attention to slow queries now that we have splunk in place.


"Migrating from svn to DVCS"

This is by far the best SVN-vs-X post I've seen for any given DVCS, and it does it for all of the significant ones. Really impressive, and very helpful/informative if we ever consider switching away from svn.

Migrating from svn to a distributed VCS

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

memoize & Aws::S3

FYI the ActiveSupport memoize feature doesn't play well with Aws::S3. The s3 library adds Kernel#memoize, which conflicts with ActiveSupport::Memoizable#memoize.  This is the second time I've tried to use active support's memoize but hit problems and ended up doing the memoization myself.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Rails GET and POST params precedence

When you have GET and POST vars with the same name, Rails munges them into a single hash key variable into the params hash. The order of precedence varied between my development and acceptance environment. Of course, one should avoid this situation where possible :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

cpu states in top and %st (steal)

top on ec2 machines looks like so
Cpu(s): 19.2%us, 1.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 49.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 30.1%st

Most of these fields are fairly well documented:
us -> User
sy -> system
ni -> nice
id -> idle
wa -> iowait
hi -> H/w interrupt requests
si -> S/w interrupt requests

The final field, st, is "extra", implemented on virtualized machines.
The best explanation of it I was able to find was here:
Show the percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the
virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing another
virtual processor.

AFAICT, it appears that this doesn't necessarily mean that "some other
user" is stealing cpu resources from you; it could be the servicing of
one of the virtualized resources that is being consumed; if that
utilization is not tied back to your user correctly, it would show up

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

InnoDB can use multiple indices on SELECT

Back in the old days, MySQL could only use a single index for a basic SELECT (each join gets its own index). So a query like this would cause trouble:

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (city_location_id IN (...) OR neighborhood_location_id IN (...))

The second where condition will cause a full table scan even though there is an separate index for both city_location_id and neighborhood_location_id.

However, if you're using InnoDB tables, MySQL can optimize for this buy creating a index UNION for you. Read more about it here if interested.

Password lengths, MSN, and MSN Messenger/Passport

I was receiving this error logging in through openfire's MSN legacy network adapter to an MSN handle.

2009-03-17 07:52:13 UTC ERROR [13095/-611309268] aardvarkec2deve:
Client manager: XMPP Message Error on
at msn: () FROM: -> TO: The password
you registered with is incorrect. Please re-register with the correct

I'd verified that the password worked by logging in at, so I kept hitting my head against a wall. Finally I tried connecting via an adium client directly to the MSN *messenger* network, which logs in through Microsoft Passport authentication servers. Failure. Finally! Something to work with!

Microsoft appears to have two different maximum lengths on passwords used. When you create a user, you can apparently type however many characters you want into your password (good). However, Microsoft's Password service, which is what authentication of IM users goes through, apparently limits the number of characters you can use (I didn't count what the exact limit was). Once I went in and changed our password to be *shorter* everything worked fine.

So, logging into is not a good test for logging into MSN messenger.

The real source of MSN gateway logout problems

I've been watching them all morning, and they're definitely associated with avatars/buddy images. They come with error lines in the openfire debug logs like "MSN: Got avatar retrieval result: PROTOCOL_ERROR".

When I looked a few months ago, there wasn't any further info from the Krakken folks (they make the legacy network gateway plugin for openfire). Now though we have this good writeup, confirming that it is indeed:

1) something flakey going on with the avatar protocol with MSN and

2) that the MSN api has changed a lot since they last maintained it.

I'm more and more convinced that using Krakken for our IM network connectivity on legacy networks isn't going to keep pace and we'd be better off switching to libpurple.

Monday, March 16, 2009

rake invoke versus execute: a huge difference

Those more familiar with the intricacies of rake might already know this, but Rake::Task['taskname'].invoke and Rake::Task['taskname'].execute are very very different in how they behave w.r.t. dependencies and chaining.

First, here's a background example explaining how dependencies aren't run when using execute, but are always run when using invoke.

I additionally discovered that a task called using invoke will only run the *first* time you invoke it, not a second, third, or fourth time.

In my particular case, I wrote a rake task to stop and start mysql on mac osx, and then used it within a number of other tasks. Each task, when I tested it individually ran fine, but when I tried to chain the series of tasks together, everything went horribly awry, and it looked as if mysql wasn't properly restarting. I went digging for why, and discovered that because I was using invoke on my task, the mysql stop and mysql start task was only running when I called it from the first of the chained tasks. Switching to execute resolved this problem.

Here's the example that demonstrates; note that the code for both invoke and execute tests try to run the stop/start sequence twice (stop/start/stop/start). In practice though, the first test with invoke only runs the stop/start sequence once, while the second with execute runs the stop/start sequence twice.

desc 'stop mysql on macosx, requires sudo'
task :stop_mysql_macosx do
puts "Attempting to stop mysql..."
`sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop`
sleep 2
mysql_process=`ps aux | grep mysql | egrep -v "grep|rake"`
raise "mysql did not stop properly, got mysql_process #{mysql_process}" if !(mysql_process == "")
puts "Successfully stopped mysql."

desc 'start mysql on macosx, requires sudo'
task :start_mysql_macosx do
puts "Attempting to start mysql..."
`sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start`
sleep 2
mysql_process=`ps aux | grep mysql | egrep -v "grep|rake"`
raise "mysql did not start properly" if (mysql_process == "")
puts "Successfully started mysql."

desc 'test start/stop mysql macosx using invoke'
task :test_start_stop_mysql_macosx_using_invoke do

desc 'test start/stop mysql macosx using execute'
task :test_start_stop_mysql_macosx_using_execute do

~/tmz/aardvark/trunk/dragonfly > sudo rake db:test_start_stop_mysql_macosx_using_invoke
(in /Users/nathan/tmz/aardvark/trunk/dragonfly)
Attempting to stop mysql...
Successfully stopped mysql.
Attempting to start mysql...
Successfully started mysql.
~/tmz/aardvark/trunk/dragonfly > sudo rake db:test_start_stop_mysql_macosx_using_execute
(in /Users/nathan/tmz/aardvark/trunk/dragonfly)
Attempting to stop mysql...
Successfully stopped mysql.
Attempting to start mysql...
Successfully started mysql.
Attempting to stop mysql...
Successfully stopped mysql.
Attempting to start mysql...
Successfully started mysql.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i uploaded my xmpp primer to our google docs

Check docs to read if you're interested. It's from this time last year
originally, but it's a great getting started guide.


Friday, March 6, 2009

tokyocabinet schemaless database toolset/api

looks like a nice layer around a dbs, following on the pointer in the friendfeed schemaless database writeup. written in C, has api wrapper support for lots of languages, including Ruby.

Friday, February 27, 2009

schema-less table using MySQL

A nice solution to FriendFeed's scaling problems.

Basically, they're doing a bigtable variant using mysql. The consistency check discussion at the end of the article also seems reasonable.

Friday, February 20, 2009

good to know

Array.count was added in ruby 1.8.7, but our deployment environment has 1.8.6, so you need to stick with Array.length for the time being. Hooray individual integration (thanks nathan!)!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

dynamically selecting constants from a class

If you haven't yet, check out consts_starting_with() in vendor/plugins/aardvark_shared/lib/active_record_extensions.rb. It dynamically collects constants from a class. For example if your constants start ADDED_CONTEXT_* you can collect them all into an array like so: 

VALID_ADDED_CONTEXTS = consts_starting_with('ADDED_CONTEXT_')


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

carbon5 blog post about unittesting for iphone apps


Get the date in your OS X menubar

I noticed today that Tim had the day of the month in his Mac's clock display, which I've wanted for a long time (I look at my watch for the date at least three times a day, because it's not the sort of thing I bother to remember, but should be).

To get this is kind of tricky: you go to System Preferences > International > Formats. Click "Customize" in the Dates area, select any date-related fields you want, and copy them to your system clipboard. Then, go back and click "Customize" in the Times area, and choose "Medium". Then, paste in the fields and massage formatting to your heart's content. Et voila, you can have the date fields available in your menubar, beyond just the day of the week.

i did not know you can do this

I've always found the default failure message for most validations really unhelpful. For example, with a "validates_inclusion_of :added_context, :in => VALID_ADDED_CONTEXTS" the failure message is:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Added context is not included in the list

However! You can use {{value}} and when specifying a message, for example:

  validates_inclusion_of :added_context, :in => VALID_ADDED_CONTEXTS,
      :message => "Value {{value}} not listed as a valid context in Interest::VALID_ADDED_CONTEXTS"

And now if I pass in an illegal value "your mom" we get something much more useful:

Added context Value your mom not listed as a valid context in Interest::VALID_ADDED_CONTEXTS


Celerity | Easy and fast functional test automation for web applications

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ah hah! why IDEA sometimes doesn't let you run individual tests

I've wondered for a while why idea lets you click on some tests in
order to run them individually whereas in other test files it will
only let you run the whole thing. It's really annoying. Well I finally
just noticed why: if not all your methods start with test_ (or setup
and teardown I suppose) then it won't let you run individual tests!
I'm not sure why, but I'd like to find out, and it's good to know. If
you have helpers in the test, IDEA won't find the individual tests!


creating a password protected zip archive on mac osx

~> sudo port install zip
# you can also use fink

~> sudo mv /usr/bin/zip /usr/bin/zip-old
~> sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/zip /usr/bin/

~> zip -e /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ...

# enter password when prompted...

# note that this will open perfectly normally under windows
# but under mac osx you need to use either unzip via a terminal
# or download and use stuffit expander to open the file
# mac osx's bomarchivehelper does not handle password zip files

useful password generator site

hotmail adds pop, integrates inbox msn chat

the pop3 support will let us eventually fix up our various email forwarding nonsense (currently we forward all email to our Google apps account, and then pop it out; this adds email latency).

the integrated chat obviously is helpful for our product.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back Door References Can Hurt

confluence IM presence plugin

Continuous Deployment at IMVU

A great case study for continuous deployment. We have a bit of work to do before we reach this point, but we have the right foundation.

Friday, February 6, 2009

cool: multiple "inbox" views in gmail


Will it parse? i =+ 1

In this week's episode of "Will it parse?": i =+ 1

The answer is, of course, yes! Ruby just assigns +1 to i. I discovered this when my confusion matrix came out as all zeros and ones...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

an example of what NOT to do from the ruby standard library

What's wrong with Ruby's implementation of conditional variables here? Hint: what's wrong has nothing to do with synchronization, concurrency, or conditional variables.

class ConditionVariable
class Timeout < Exception; end

# Create a new timer with the argument timeout, and add the
# current thread to the list of waiters. Then the thread is
# stopped. It will be resumed when a corresponding #signal
# occurs.
def wait(timeout = nil)
@monitor.instance_eval {mon_check_owner()}
timer = create_timer(timeout)

Thread.critical = true
count = @monitor.instance_eval {mon_exit_for_cond()}

return true
rescue Timeout
return false
Thread.critical = true


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

openfire has a simple presence plugin

This would allow some simple dashboard status reporting of aardvark's legacy handle status as reported by openfire, w/o requiring opening up or logging into the admin console.

Probably not as useful as just getting heartbeat monitoring working on our legacy network handles, but the presence page in openfire's admin console has been a useful debugging tool in the past for times when when openfire is mis-reporting the status of a handle.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

use_db and Transactional Fixtures

Randy and I spent some time tackling this on Friday.

First off, I should note, use_db "is a piece of crap. Don't use it"...this according to its project page on github:

In the databuilder project, we use the ML db as the primary and configured use_db for to use aardvark database for shared models. While fixtures for aardvark database located in test/fixtures seem to work, transaction fixtures do not. We poked around in the use_db library and couldn't find where it went wrong. After 20 mins, we gave up.

So AFAWK, use_db doesn't adequately support transactional fixtures on the secondary database.

Friday, January 30, 2009

nice module pattern

This is a really nice pattern for mixins. It allows for clear separation of instance and class methods and allows you to cleanly specify constants and call any class methods you need.

module VarkLogging
# any constants you want to define
VARK_LOG_MESSAGE = "vark log!"

def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
base.send(:extend, ClassMethods)
base.class_eval do
# any class methods we need to call
alias_method_chain :add, :vark_logging

module InstanceMethods
def add_with_vark_logging(*args)

module ClassMethods
def vark?

# and if you want to include it without altering the original class definition:
Logger.send(:include, VarkLogging)

Mounting extra disks on ec2 instances

First, compare available partitions with
 ~>  cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
8 16 440366080 sdb
8 32 440366080 sdc
8 48 440366080 sdd
8 64 440366080 sde
8 1 10485760 sda1
~> df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.9G 1.6G 7.9G 17% /
/dev/sdb 414G 199M 393G 1% /mnt
none 3.6G 0 3.6G 0% /dev/shm
Here we note that /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb are in use, while /dev/sdc /dev/sdd and /dev/sde are not yet in use

We want to check the fstab to see what the disktypes are. Also edit this file if you want your mounted disk to come back up on a reboot! (In Ec2-land all of these filesystems are non-persistent, so if your machine more than reboots, you'll lose the data entirely.
 ~>  more /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/sdb /mnt ext3 defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
Create your mount point:
 ~>  mkdir /mnt2
Mount the disk:
 ~>  mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc /mnt2
And check its availability:
 ~>  df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.9G 1.6G 7.9G 17% /
/dev/sdb 414G 199M 393G 1% /mnt
none 3.6G 0 3.6G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdc 414G 199M 393G 1% /mnt2

Dealing with Capistrano's cached-copy when switching the branch you're releasing from

Capistrano's default setup tries to deploy from a repository location you specify, and does so by updating a cached-copy on the remote servers using "svn up", and then recursively copying the updated cached checkout to a date-tagged copy under the releases directory.
e.g., when capistrano executes
~> cap deploy:update
it runs something like the following:
executing “if [ -d /deploy/myproject/shared/cached-copy ]; then svn update -q -r3131 /deploy/myproject/shared/cached-copy; else svn checkout -q -r3131 /deploy/myproject/shared/cached-copy; fi”
This can cause some problems when you try to switch the repository branch you're deploying from, say, to roll back to a tag, or deploy from a radically different stable branch where svn up won't run properly because of deleted directories etc.

So, before you release from a tag, you have to remember to delete the cached copy checked out on the servers. Capistrano's invoke comes in handy for these situations:
~> cap invoke COMMAND="rm -rf /deploy/myproject/shared/cached-copy"
You might want to also remember to delete the cached-copy *after* you deploy too, in case the next person who comes along doesn't realize that you deployed from a strange location.

i can't believe it's this hard to set default values at the AR object level (not the db level)

This is what I had to do:
before_save :maybe_set_source

def maybe_set_source
self[:source] = source_name if !self[:source]

def source
self[:source] || source_name

# The default value I want to set
def source_name


interesting short article about the spyware arms race


Thursday, January 29, 2009


I got sick of writing longhand assertions around yields so I whipped up this little function:

def assert_yields(something_callable, arg)
yielded = false do
yielded = true
assert yielded

# Called like:
assert_yields(some_obj.method(:do_something), my_arg)

One could easily make it handle a variable number of arguments.

Object is not missing constant Question!

when Rails says, "Object is not missing constant Question!" -- here's what happened:

You referenced a class that wasn't defined, so ActiveSupport's dependency resolver kicked in.

It loaded the appropriate file (in this case question.rb), but during the load an Exception was raised. The error was not, however, in your class definition, so the missing constant (Question) was successfully defined.

The resolver then catches that exception, expects that your class will not be defined but finds that it is, and decides to throw an "Object is not missing constant Question!" because it's confused.

and from the if-only-they-knew department...


tell it, joel

On how not to write a resume for a startup engineering leadership
position (and, by implication, what to look for):


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

overriding string comparisons

Monkeypatching = Bad. Aliasing = Not Bad. See r7311. It blew up
because Question was also overriding String#==.


this should come as no surprise

but don't override AR initialize():

In fact, don't override anything in AR :)


Friday, January 23, 2009

chill that Dock out!

How to keep icons in your mac os dock from performing their g-darned,
vatter-effing bouncing when they want your attention:


Thursday, January 22, 2009

great splunk howtos

using a simple tcp logger implementation:

using syslog-ng:

github plugin architecture

AR constructs chained named scope queries in the order opposite what you'd expect

Here's a good one. Consider this chain of named scopes:


You'd expect the created_at restriction to come first in the resulting SELECT, wouldn't you? Nope:

SELECT * FROM `conversations` WHERE (((((((NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs3 WHERE = chs3.conversation_id AND chs3.user_id = 176)) AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs2 WHERE = chs2.conversation_id AND chs2.answer_request_response = 'answer'))) AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs1 WHERE = chs1.conversation_id AND chs1.flagged = 1))) AND (`conversations`.`canceled` = 0 )) AND (`conversations`.`error` = 0 )) AND (EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs4 WHERE = chs4.conversation_id AND chs4.asker = 1 AND chs4.has_question = 1))) AND (created_at > '2009-01-21 16:38:23'));

AR sticks it at the end of the query and as a result it runs in 6-10 seconds on acceptance (w/no query cache). Applying the created_at restriction at the end of the chain constructs a query with it at the beginning:


SELECT * FROM `conversations` WHERE (((((((created_at > '2009-01-21 18:07:29') AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs3 WHERE = chs3.conversation_id AND chs3.user_id = 176))) AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs2 WHERE = chs2.conversation_id AND chs2.answer_request_response = 'answer'))) AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs1 WHERE = chs1.conversation_id AND chs1.flagged = 1))) AND (`conversations`.`canceled` = 0 )) AND (`conversations`.`error` = 0 )) AND (EXISTS (SELECT FROM channels chs4 WHERE = chs4.conversation_id AND chs4.asker = 1 AND chs4.has_question = 1)))

Apparently it can now use the created_at to eliminate rows in the scan. The resulting query time is about 300ms on acceptance (again, w/no query cache).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2 gems from SmugMug

I think smugmug is an organization worth emulating. They do what they do with 40 employees, and were far smaller for most of their existence. If you haven't yet, read about their deployment on ec2: simple, well-designed, and nearly fully-automated:

Also here are some pointers from them on mysql; the recommendation on Percona is something we should keep in mind should we need to call in some db expertise.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores

Richard Jones of talks about his research and notes on distributed key-value stores.

Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores

Friday, January 16, 2009

Craigslist uses Sphinx

Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag! My first project at Craigslist was replacing MySQL FULLTEXT indexing with Sphinx. It wasn't the easiest road in the world, for a variety of reasons, but we got it all working and it's been humming along very well ever since.
I'm not going to go into a lot of details on the implementation here, other than to say Sphinx is faster and far more resource efficient than MySQL was for this task.

edge rails just got nested transactions


Thursday, January 15, 2009

new in rails 2.2

I definitely don't understand all the implications of threading or
connection pools. The automatic memoization is cool though.


Building products users love by giving them control

A fun product design article from pcworld focused on consumer product designers and where they've gone right and wrong, emphasizing a theme of control that is somewhat relevant in our case.

Finding unused indexes in mysql

Looks pretty easy to use:



This is a test of post-by-email.
