Wednesday, June 24, 2009

zero-downtime rolling restarts behind a proxy balancer

This very good example configuration is with HAProxy, but it will work with any proxy service that has health checking.

website speed and effects on users

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Enterprise Ruby

(Another) Enterprise Ruby


Wish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise" got you down? Do you feel like your Ruby code could be made to be more "scalable"? Well look no further my friend. You’ve found the enterprise gem. Once you install this gem, you too can make Rails scale, Ruby faster, your code more attractive, and have more XML in your life.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself, "how can the enterprise gem promise so much?". Well the answer is easy, through the magic of XML! The enterprise gem allows you to write your Ruby code in XML, therefore making your Ruby and Rails code scale. Benefits of writing your code in XML include:

* It’s easy to read!
* It scales!
* Cross platform
* TRANSFORM! your code using XSLT!
* Search your AST with XPath or CSS!

The enterprise gem even comes with a handy "enterprise" binary to help you start converting your existing legacy Ruby code in to scaleable, easy to read XML files. Let’s start getting rid of that nasty Ruby code and replacing it with XML today!

Friday, June 5, 2009

filed a Rails Enhancement

This is the patch and test case already applied to our local Rails 2.3.2 tree. It ensures we can catch an exception and reload the object when we access attributes that aren't in the cached data.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

developer build of OS X chrome available

If you're as sick of FFox & Safari as I am, this is good news!

mysql throws "Server shutdown in progress" error when a thread is killed

This rather serious sounding error will probably be revised, but if
you ever see it, know that it might not be the actual server shutting
down, but rather just the local client thread to the database being
terminated, possibly by a maintenance operation of some sort.